Bangladesh Police Kallyan Trust (BPKT) Recruitment Circular 2018 has been published in The Daily Star. Bangladesh Police Kallyan Trust (BPKT) total 12 posts are 12 vacancies are appoint. Every interested Bangladeshi person can apply for this job within specific time.
Circular Summary:
1. Published Date: 12/10/2018
2. Published On: The Daily Star(12/10/2018)
3. Application Deadline: 22/10/2018
4. Name of The Post:
a. Head of Credit
b. Head of ICC and Audit
c. Head of Credit Administration
d. Branch Operations Manager
e. Senior Product Manager
f. Credit Anylists
g. Relationship Officer
h. Unit Head Relationship Team
i. Teller and General Banking
Circular Summary:
1. Published Date: 12/10/2018
2. Published On: The Daily Star(12/10/2018)
3. Application Deadline: 22/10/2018
4. Name of The Post:
a. Head of Credit
b. Head of ICC and Audit
c. Head of Credit Administration
d. Branch Operations Manager
e. Senior Product Manager
f. Credit Anylists
g. Relationship Officer
h. Unit Head Relationship Team
i. Teller and General Banking
Bangladesh Police Kallyan Trust (BPKT) Job Circular 2018