Bashundhara Oil and Gas Company Limited Job Circular 2018 has been published on Bangladesh Pratidin on the date of 23/09/2018. Bashundhara Oil and Gas Company Limited total 17 posts are various vacancies are appoint. Every interested person can apply for this job within specific time.
Circular Summary:
1. Published Date: 03/10/2018
2. Published On:Bangladesh Pratidin(03/10/2018)
3. Application Start: 03/10/2018
4. Application Deadline: 03/10/2018 within 7 days.
5. Name of the posts:
1. Section Head (Off- sites & Drum Plant)
2. Section Head Maintenance
3. Section Head Integrity & Quality Assurance
4. Automation Engineer
5. Inspection Engineer
6. Maintenance Engineer Mechanical
7. Maintenance Engineer Electrical
8. Maintenance Engineer Control
9. Laboratory In Charge
10. Shift In Charge
11. Document Controller
12. Process Supervisor
13. Utilities Supervisor
14. Off-sites Supervisor
15. Oil Movement Operator
16. Utilities Operator
17. Geo-technical Engineer
Circular Summary:
1. Published Date: 03/10/2018
2. Published On:Bangladesh Pratidin(03/10/2018)
3. Application Start: 03/10/2018
4. Application Deadline: 03/10/2018 within 7 days.
5. Name of the posts:
1. Section Head (Off- sites & Drum Plant)
2. Section Head Maintenance
3. Section Head Integrity & Quality Assurance
4. Automation Engineer
5. Inspection Engineer
6. Maintenance Engineer Mechanical
7. Maintenance Engineer Electrical
8. Maintenance Engineer Control
9. Laboratory In Charge
10. Shift In Charge
11. Document Controller
12. Process Supervisor
13. Utilities Supervisor
14. Off-sites Supervisor
15. Oil Movement Operator
16. Utilities Operator
17. Geo-technical Engineer
Bashundhara Oil and Gas Company Limited Job Circular 2018