ACI Group Job Circular 2019 has been published on 24/01/2019 at Bangladesh Pratidin. Anowar Cement total 1 post are various vacancies are appoint. Every interested person can apply walk In Interview for this job within specific time. Apply instruction are given below:
Circular Summary:
1. Published Date: 24/01/2019
2. Published On (Source): Bangladesh Pratidin (24/01/2019)
3. Application Deadline: 05/02/2019
4. Job Type: Privat Company Job
5. Name of the posts:
a. Assessment and Recovery Officer
b. Trainee Marketing Officer
5. Job Location: Any Where in Bangladesh
Circular Summary:
1. Published Date: 24/01/2019
2. Published On (Source): Bangladesh Pratidin (24/01/2019)
3. Application Deadline: 05/02/2019
4. Job Type: Privat Company Job
5. Name of the posts:
a. Assessment and Recovery Officer
b. Trainee Marketing Officer
5. Job Location: Any Where in Bangladesh