Taxes Zone-12, Dhaka Job Circular 2019 has been published The Independent on 07/01/2019 and Taxes Zone-12, Dhaka website Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) Total 8 posts are 41 vacancies are appoint. Every interested person can apply for this job within specific time.
Circular Summary:
1. Published Date: 06/01/2019
2. Source: The Independent (07/01/2019)
3. Online Application Start: 15/01/2019
4. Online Application Deadline: 30/01/2019
5. Taxes Zone-12, Dhaka):
6. Taxes Zone-12, Dhaka online Application Form:
7. Name of the posts:
a. Upper Grade Assistant
b. Stenotypist Cum Computer Operator
c. Office Assistant Cum Computer Typist
d. Driver
e. Machine Operator
f. Notice Server
g. Office Shohayok
h. Security Guard
Circular Summary:
1. Published Date: 06/01/2019
2. Source: The Independent (07/01/2019)
3. Online Application Start: 15/01/2019
4. Online Application Deadline: 30/01/2019
5. Taxes Zone-12, Dhaka):
6. Taxes Zone-12, Dhaka online Application Form:
7. Name of the posts:
a. Upper Grade Assistant
b. Stenotypist Cum Computer Operator
c. Office Assistant Cum Computer Typist
d. Driver
e. Machine Operator
f. Notice Server
g. Office Shohayok
h. Security Guard
Taxes Zone-12, Dhaka Job Circular 2019