Take the time to really enjoy your pregnancy. The nine months will seem like an eternity when you are going through it, but soon enough, you will miss that kicking in your belly. As blessed as carrying a child is, there is a lot to consider, do and deal with. This article will give you some tips on how to handle it all.
To avoid nighttime heartburn while pregnant, eat your last meal at least two hours before you go to bed. Reclining just after eating will lead to increased acid reflux and heartburn. Also, use extra pillows to elevate your head and upper back above the level of your abdomen to reduce symptoms.
Start taking a prenatal vitamin while you are trying to conceive, or as soon as you first find out about that surprise pregnancy. There are special nutrients that are needed by your baby for proper development. The sooner you start taking prenatal vitamins, the better chance your baby has of getting the nutrients he or she needs.
Get prenatal vitamins from your doctor or over the counter and make sure you take them on a regular basis. A good prenatal vitamin will take care of the needs of both you and your new baby. Make sure that your vitamin contains 0.4 mgs of folic acid for optimum brain development.
Gasoline fumes gynecologist near me can be harmful and unpleasant during pregnancy, try to have an attendant or friend pump gas for you. Your baby can be harmed by gasoline fumes at gas stations. It is more preferable to ask for help rather than take on unnecessary risk.
When you're pregnant and when you consult your OBGYN, they will give you a prenatal vitamin. You need to take your vitamin every single day to help prevent problems down the line. These vitamins will provide you with the nutrients you need to ensure that your baby is healthy.
If you want to know the sex of your baby, you have to wait until you are about 20 weeks pregnant. This is around the time that the ultrasound technician can get a clear picture as to what gender your baby is. But be aware, ultrasounds are not 100 percent accurate!
Write out your birth plan and make sure your doctor and labor coach have a copy. List out what type of medications you are willing to have and in what circumstances you want to move to different laboring methods. Of course, your birth plan is only a plan and if things need to change for the safety of your labor, don't worry and just go with it.
During your last trimester of pregnancy, your body will go through many changes. That's no surprise, but one thing that even your doctor might forget to mention is that, as your baby grows, your belly button can be pushed outwards so that it protrudes like a miniature bumper guard on your stomach.
For a healthy baby, it is important to see your doctor on a regular schedule. There are many ways that your doctor can insure that you and your baby stay healthy during the nine months of your pregnancy. Regular visits to your doctor are the best way give you the information you need.
If you are working on your nursery, be sure to avoid fumes and smells that may be associated with wallpaper or paint. While the risk of problems to your baby may be small, don't take the chance, just keep the windows open or avoid working with paint and wallpaper at all.
Late pregnancy back pain is a reality that most women have to deal with. In order to minimize the pain, you need to have a massage to help loosen the muscles. If massage is not an option, pelvic tilts or hot compresses will also work very well to relieve some of the pressure.
Keep a journal while you are pregnant to record special memories and thoughts. This helps with the emotions you experience during pregnancy and also gives you a great keepsake to share with your child later in life. You can use your journal to capture milestones during the pregnancy as well as your thoughts and emotions through the process.
When you are pregnant, you should ask moms that you know about their experiences and if they have any tips for you. Most women will be more than happy to share their experiences with you and tell you exactly what happened to them while they were pregnant. They will also be able to tell you what to expect the first few weeks with the baby at home.
Talk with your doctor about getting a DHA supplement during your pregnancy. DHA is a omega-3 fatty acid that is essential for proper development of the brain and eyes of your baby. Supplements are generally needed to ensure the proper amount of DHA. Fish is a strong source of DHA but women are generally told to stay away from most fish during pregnancy due to mercury levels so a supplement is generally your best bet.
Some common foods can be dangerous to the unborn fetus. During your pregnancy, you should avoid anything that contains uncooked eggs like Caesar dressing, unpasteurized cheeses like queso blanco and under-cooked meats. Listeria can be present in precooked meats such as hot dogs and deli meats, so it is important to reheat them before consumption. For more information visit the CDC website or discuss the topic with your doctor.
Now that you have seen some of the ways that you can have a happier, healthier pregnancy and also prepare for your delivery, you can rest assured that these nine months will soon be a distant memory. A treasured memory though. Don't forget to take the time to reflect on your experience.