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UPSC Recruitment Exam: The Ultimate Guide


The most prestigious civil service test in India is administered by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Millions of applicants apply each year for this intensely tough exam. The Indian Administrative Service (IAS), the Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and the Indian Police Service (IPS) are some of the most prestigious and challenging positions in the Indian government, and they can all be obtained through the UPSC recruitment exam.

There are several stages to the UPSC recruiting exam, including a preliminary exam, a major exam, and an interview. The preliminary examination is a written test that gauges a candidate's general knowledge, reading comprehension, and critical thinking abilities. The mains exam is a more difficult written test that gauges a candidate's familiarity with a range of topics, including politics, economics, geography, and history. A panel of UPSC officers will interview you personally.

upsc recruitment exam

An intense examination of a candidate's intellectual and professional skills is the UPSC recruitment exam. But there is also a chance to meaningfully serve the country. The UPSC recruitment exam is a wonderful place to start if you are interested in a career in the Indian government.

Here is a more thorough explanation of each step in the UPSC recruiting test:

Examination Initial

Every year in June, the preliminary exam is a written test. Paper I and Paper II are the two papers that make up the test. The candidate's general knowledge, understanding, and reasoning abilities are examined in Paper I. Paper II assesses the candidate's understanding of Indian politics, geography, history, and current events.

A qualifying exam is a preliminary examination. Only those candidates are qualified to take the main test if they achieve the minimum qualifying scores in both examinations.

Primary Exam

The mains exam is a harder written test that is administered in October of each year. There are nine papers on the exam:

1. General Studies I, Paper I

2. General Studies II Paper

3. Third Paper: General Studies

4. General Studies Paper IV

5. Essay on Paper V

6. History of India in Paper 6

7. Paper VII: Governance and Politics in India

Essay No. 8: Economics

Essay No. 9: Sociology

The mains exam is a difficult test that necessitates a thorough comprehension of many different disciplines. Only a small portion of candidates who take the exam and pass it make it to the interview stage.


A panel of UPSC officers will interview you personally. The panel's chance to evaluate a candidate's personality, character, and eligibility for a job in the Indian government comes during the interview.

A crucial component of the UPSC recruiting exam is the interview. A strong result in the interview can compensate for a weak showing on the main exam.

The following information about the UPSC recruiting exam is provided:

1. The UPSC recruitment exam syllabus is extensive and covers a wide range of topics. It's critical to understand the curriculum and to begin preparing early.

2. You can prepare for the UPSC recruitment exam using a variety of tools. These consist of publications, online classes, and coaching organizations.

3. The UPSC recruitment exam is a competitive exam, thus being ready for a challenge is vital. But there is also a chance to meaningfully serve the country.

Here are some helpful pointers for getting ready for the UPSC exam:

1. Read a lot: Your knowledge of a variety of disciplines is put to the test in the UPSC recruitment exam. Reading widely is the greatest way to get ready for this. Read a range of books, magazines, and newspapers.

2. Write regularly: You must compose essays and respond to lengthy questions on the UPSC recruitment exam. Practice is the key to enhancing your writing abilities. Essays should be written on current events or on subjects that interest you.

3. Take practice exams: Mock exams are an excellent approach to gauge your development and find out where you need to make improvements. Numerous practice exams can be found in books and online.

4. Remain inspired: The UPSC recruiting exam is a drawn-out and difficult procedure. It's crucial to continue working hard and staying motivated. Set reasonable objectives for yourself and acknowledge your accomplishments along the road.

5. Get started early: The UPSC recruitment exam is a drawn-out and difficult process, therefore it's crucial to get started studying early.

6. Organize yourself: Make a study plan and follow it.

7. Take practice exams: You will be more prepared for the real thing if you take more practice exams.

8. Become a member of a study group: Studying with others may keep you focused and motivated.

9. Maintain your optimism: Although the UPSC recruitment exam is difficult, success is still attainable.

You should now have a better knowledge of the UPSC recruiting exam thanks to this article, I hope. I advise you to start putting together your resume right away if you are thinking about working for the Indian government.


The UPSC recruiting test is a difficult yet worthwhile experience. The UPSC recruitment exam is a wonderful place to start if you are interested in a career in the Indian government.


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BD Top Job Portal: UPSC Recruitment Exam: The Ultimate Guide
UPSC Recruitment Exam: The Ultimate Guide
BD Top Job Portal
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